Availability of Books
Only the more major sources are given. I'll try to keep this list up to date, but I would appreciate being informed of any needed changes that have been discovered.
(2010) coauthored with Raymond M. Smullyan, Set
Theory and the Continuum Problem, Revised edition (see 1996 below), Dover Publications.
(2007) Incompleteness in the Land of Sets, College Publications.
(2003) coedited with Ewa Orlowska, Beyond Two:
Theory and Applications of Multiple-Valued Logic, Springer.
- Amazon
- Amazon Kindle
- Barnes & Noble
- Google eBook
(2002) Types, Tableaus, and Goedel's God, Kluwer.
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Google eBook
(1998) coauthored with Richard Mendelsohn, First-Order
Modal Logic, Kluwer.
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Google eBook
(1996) coauthored with Raymond M. Smullyan, Set
Theory and the Continuum Problem, Oxford University
- See listings for (2010) above.
(1990) First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem
Proving, Springer-Verlag, Second edition, 1996.
(1987) Computability Theory, Semantics and Logic
Programming. Oxford University Press,
Japanese edition, Maruzen Co, Tokyo, 1989.
(1983) Proof Methods for Modal and Intuitionistic
Logics, D. Reidel Publishing Co.,
- Barnes & Noble
- Google eBook
(1981) Fundamentals of Generalized Recursion Theory, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
- Barnes and Noble Nookbook
(1969) Intuitionistic Logic Model Theory and Forcing, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
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